Thursday, June 2, 2011

johnny weir skating

johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir skates to Lady
  • Johnny Weir skates to Lady

  • eternlgladiator
    Feb 18, 02:42 PM
    I'm interested to see what he's planning to build in it's place.!5649909

    These were out quite awhile ago since he needed them to get approval to demolish a "historical home". They're aren't crazy detailed and I've heard they may be faked but it seems very utilitarian just like most apple products.

    johnny weir skating. Ice Skater Johnny Weir
  • Ice Skater Johnny Weir

  • Dagless
    Mar 26, 08:30 PM
    I'm after 1 or 2 more people to add to my army of 4 other Beta testers for a game I'm working on.
    There are a few requirements-

    1) A PC and/or bootcamp. The beta is tied to individual systems too, so not jumping from system to system! A good controller is recommended. I'm using an Xbox 360 wired controller to dev it, all 4 face buttons, the start button and 2 shoulder buttons are in use so you'd either need something similar or you can always use a keyboard.
    2) A softspot to 2D games. This may be ported to the PSP or DS, unlikely for big screened consoles. so it's 2D. In the style of Super Metroid and co. Infact it plays more like an exploration game at the beginning so theres little combat. Very retro gameplay, RPG levelling up system. That sort of thing really.
    3) Commitment. It's going to be a long project with updates coming out at irregular times. But you will be expected to play through, give comments on my forum etc.

    The game itself is very much in its infancy, estimated release is late 2007 and is unpaid, but full term beta testers will get free copies of the game... if you're not sick of it by this stage :p

    screenshots and other info on my site! (

    johnny weir skating. like figure skating,
  • like figure skating,

  • nygfan80
    Apr 3, 05:51 PM
    Is there any way I can change from discrete to the integrated graphics on Windows 7? I know how to do this on OS X but can't figure this out on Windows, if there is a way. Upon startup, I am not able to go into the bios because of bootcamp. Is there any other way to do this?

    johnny weir skating. WTH is Johnny Weir wearing?
  • WTH is Johnny Weir wearing?

  • Boothy
    Feb 3, 11:11 AM
    do you want a straight sale?


    johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir
  • Johnny Weir

  • balamw
    Apr 24, 05:28 PM
    As an academic exercise i would try to write both approaches... treating the number as a number and approaching this with math and treating the number with a string and dealing with it that way.

    That's one of the things that wasn't clear in the OP.

    What is meant by "The program uses an input function for the number and then returns the results." is it supposed to be treated as a number or a string? Is the input part of the code specified in the problem statement?

    Ultimately it doesn't matter since they both reduce to separating the number into digits/characters in either way.


    johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir skates to
  • Johnny Weir skates to

  • The.316
    Oct 31, 05:55 AM
    Here is my collection


    Is it just the picture, or is that shelf ready to go?

    Nice collections BTW. I had about 500 DVDs from the States, but since i live in Greece now, they wont play on my PS3 I bought here, so I converted them all, and have them stored on my external drive.

    Anyone have any ideas what I should do with them? I have them in two boxes in the garage.


    johnny weir skating. saying,johnny weir skates
  • saying,johnny weir skates

  • mbl42
    Dec 10, 07:07 PM
    I have a USB Zip one, how much are you willing to pay?

    johnny weir skating. quot;Be Good Johnny Weirquot; Skating
  • quot;Be Good Johnny Weirquot; Skating

  • asphalt-proof
    Dec 2, 11:48 AM
    I have a 17" iMac G4 that I am looking to sell.
    The specs are:
    17" screen
    1.25 ghz
    768 meg of ram
    80 gig hard drive
    FX 5200 video card
    OSX Panther edition w/ discs
    Apple Pro keyboard, mouse, and speakers
    Couple of games as well.

    The computer is in excellent condition. I bought in mid September of 2003. I have never sold anything on ebay so I have no supporting seller bona fides. I live in NC and would prefer to sell here and would hand deliver. However, I will ship anywhere in US. I will post pics when I get back home (I am work right now).


    johnny weir skating. Email. L to R: American Figure
  • Email. L to R: American Figure

  • daryliow
    Jun 21, 04:01 PM
    +1 for the O2 store

    What time you heading there for? You think there will be many others?

    johnny weir skating. Figure Skater Johnny Weir
  • Figure Skater Johnny Weir

  • TheSlush
    Aug 12, 09:38 AM
    Hmm... an Apple website replaced by a section on iTunes... this is obviously proof that Apple intends to pull the entire World Wide Web into iTunes and create a walled garden where the entire internet is controlled by THEM, MUHAHAHA!


    johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir at Skating with
  • Johnny Weir at Skating with

  • design-is
    Apr 12, 02:42 PM
    ...file > export > layouts as project > pick version 8. Will this work in 8.5?

    Yes, should do :)

    All versions of QuarkXpress should open docs which were created with earlier versions. Though there is the occasional passport / multi-langauage version problem which is just a pain in the bum: "This is a multiple language document and can only be opened in QuarkXPress Passport. [287]" �*but that's a different topic entirely.

    johnny weir skating. From the moment Johnny Weir
  • From the moment Johnny Weir

  • MacRumors
    Jun 30, 09:50 AM (

    Apple's MobileMe Gallery ( application has received a minor update today, fixing a few bugs while delivering new support for iPhone 4. With the update, the application can now download higher-resolution versions of images hosted on MobileMe when used on an iPhone 4 and connecting over Wi-Fi. The change allows users to take advantage of iPhone 4's 960 x 640 "Retina" display to view images in crisper detail.

    Unfortunately, the update does not yet bring native iPad compatibility to the application, a feature which would seem to be a logical addition to allow users to browse their MobileMe image galleries on the device's larger screen.

    Article Link: 'MobileMe Gallery' Updated for iPhone 4's Retina Display (


    johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir Skating on Park
  • Johnny Weir Skating on Park

  • Oli3000
    Apr 30, 09:20 AM
    Hard to tell, but looks like a spec of dust under the screen to me.

    Not possible because the MBA has no cover over the panel?

    I have the same, but haven't had a chance to take mine in! 13" Ultimate with a stuck pixel. It was very saddening to find it - although actually it makes no difference to using it...

    johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir on BATTLE OF THE
  • Johnny Weir on BATTLE OF THE

  • bildio
    Apr 30, 06:58 AM
    I setup Time Capsule & Time Machine & it did a backup of my iMac. However, I don't think it did a backup of the Windows virtual machine on the iMac.

    How do I setup the Time Capsule/Time Machine to backup the iMac & Windows virtual machine, & setup a separate partition for file sharing amongst the iMac, Macbook Pro, & Window virtual machine?

    I'm new to the use of Time Capsule & Time Machine, so I hope I worded my question properly, & what I want to do makes sense.


    johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir
  • Johnny Weir

  • bedifferent
    May 6, 05:17 PM
    It just looks prettier.

    Exactly. Fine tuned for the new Joe-sumer iOS market, but nothing mind blowing for us Prosumers.

    johnny weir skating. Weir skates at the U.S. figure
  • Weir skates at the U.S. figure

  • PixelOz
    Feb 26, 04:10 PM
    Updated to version 1-1: Final correction. I repositioned the computer display to a better location which I wanted to do for quite a while and I also raised the level of the grids on the floor a little bit cause they were a tad too low.

    Now the 3 variants that I did (I did an Apple an Atari and also an Amiga version of this design with different colors and illumination) have the computer display in the same position. These are the updated links (well actually only the direct link to the file in Mediafire changes):

    Direct link Deviantart:

    Direct link to Mediafire:

    Again, in Deviantart if you want to see my whole folder with the other wallpapers of this series and my other free things:

    There in Deviantart click on the Browse Gallery button if you want to see all the other things.

    And the whole Mediafire folder:


    johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir banned from pro
  • Johnny Weir banned from pro

  • rainman::|:|
    Jul 23, 09:38 PM
    Nope, none at all. Only thing unexpected is sales tax, makes each song charge like $1.07 or something, depending on where you live...

    btw, if any site charges you a fee like that, without telling you, contact your credit card fraud department-- you shouldn't be liable for the charge, and their guys will track it down for you.


    johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir is the best reason
  • Johnny Weir is the best reason

  • balamw
    Feb 16, 07:00 AM
    The Resolved prefix (at least) doesn't show when the forum is viewed from the mobile site.


    johnny weir skating. Johnny Weir and Adam Rippon
  • Johnny Weir and Adam Rippon

  • jiminaus
    Apr 22, 06:26 PM
    I'm a great fan of Ruby myself. Check out MacRuby ( which runs directly on top of the Objective-C runtime, not via a bridge. Check out Aimonetti, Mark (2011?) MacRuby : the definitive guide, O'Reilly ( It's still in early release, due for final release in July.

    Mar 13, 12:43 PM
    yes, that's exactly what I did. I took an external 1TB WD small form factor drive (it houses a 2.5" HDD), created 200GB and 800GB partitions, then installed Lion on the smaller one. I still haven't begun to use the larger partition, however :D

    BTW, has anyone gotten iStat Menus 2.0 running on Lion? I can't seem to get it working correctly. It downloads the sensors, but when I click on any of them in the preference pane, I'm told that they can't be loaded.

    Mar 18, 04:19 PM
    Hi sorry to be annoying ( if I am?) but would you consider $350 shipped?

    Jun 10, 10:34 AM
    so aren't you supposed to keep the cow happy?

    an overheating cow is not happy; a cow needs to be dressed (case redesign?) to be happy; a slow cow is not happy; a cow that can't process graphics good enough is not happy, she may confuse her own poop for grass.

    damn mac, they are sadomasochists.

    I never said it couldn't use an update ;)

    Dec 16, 07:52 AM
    Well, it can survive a hard fall of about 4 feet, I know that for sure. I own a G3 iBook without wireless (I'm broke) so I always have a 100 foot ethernet cord trailing behind me. Somehow, as I was walking from one room to another, I got tangled up in it, did a funny little twirly-dance, practically threw the iBook out of my way (if I would have landed on it there would surely be no chance of survival) and fell to the ground face first (ouch). The iBook landed hard on its left side. It was powered on, as a matter of fact I was browsing this forum. The sound it made on contact was horrible to say the least. But I'll be far not a thing wrong with it! When I say it took a hard hit I mean it REALLY took a hard hit. When I picked it up off the floor I wasn't felt like my heart had stopped. The screen was black, all was quiet...for about 3 seconds. All of a sudden the screen lit up and it was right where I left it. I just had to reconnect to the internet and I was rolling again. Just wanted to share that with everyone, for I am blown away that the thing isn't dead. If a moose like me can't kill this iBook it is one hardy machine;)

    Maybe it's time to get that wireless card (!

    Mar 20, 01:52 PM
    Yes, that does look very cool. :) Would you please post a pic of how you wrapped the PS printout for the top layer around the rounded corners of the top casing? I didn't understand that. :(

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